Thank you for helping NAPA and Drawing Life to shout about the importance of the arts in care settings by growing a #FieldofFlowers for The National Day of Arts in Care Homes!

Watch Arts in Care Homes Programme Director, Alison Teader share ideas for ways to make artwork .

60 second challenge

You might want to try our 60 second creative challenge in your team meetings, handovers or social get togethers. It works really well on Zoom!

  • You have 60 seconds to come up with a flower image.
  • This could be by doodling, creating, using your phone or exploring your environment.
  • Ask your group to hold up images and take a group photo.
  • Share your picture on using # FieldofFlowers during w/c 19 September.

Here’s is an example of what the Arts in Care Homes group did: