In recent years there have been many studies into the benefits of dance and drama for people living in care homes. Organisations such as Green Candle Dance run projects in care homes engaging residents with dance and movement as well as providing training for dancers and care staff to run dance related activities in care settings.

“Dancing makes me feel happy and alive – simple as that!”

Care Home Resident

There is also a wide range of drama activities on offer in care homes. Theatre companies devise performances specifically for care home audiences, encouraging audience participation. Some homes hold regular play reading sessions or devise their on annual pantomimes.

“I never knew I was an actor!”

Care Home Resident

A research study by The Beth Jophnson Foundation into the effects of dance and drama sessions in care homes concluded that the activities “improve markedly [residents] level of self esteem and self-worth”.

Some dance and drama activities in care homes include:

  • Play reading
  • Old Time music hall shows
  • Seated dance sessions
  • Dance performances
  • Pantomimes
  • Ballroom dancing
  • Come Dancing events
  • Trips to the theatre and the ballet

We would love to hear about your dance and drama activities. Please get in touch

Dance and drama resources